"Rotary - The Power of Hope" This content may not appear for certain recipients due to this bulletin containing content (such as embedded videos or other media) that is not supported by all email programs. In such case please click to view the video online. The RCEN Million Dollar Dinner held on February 10, 2024 at the BahaMar Convention Center, was an HUGE success! Yes, we raised $1,000,000 for The Rotary Foundation against the odds but also highlighted the work done by our Bahamas clubs in the recovery from Hurricane Dorian, with the help of the Foundation and many others in the Rotary world. A sigular achievement in our 60th year as a club and in Barry Rassin's year as Chair of the TRF Board of Trustees; Well done RCEN!! Best & YiR DGND/EPNC Lindsey Cancino |
Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of January 20th 2023
Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of 6 January 2023.Call to Order: PE Christian rang the bell to call the first meeting of 2023 to order. P Taran wished everyone health, wealth and prosperity for the New Year. Invocation & Loyal Toasts: The Invocation was given by PP Franny with PP Adam leading members in a toast to the King and to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Fellowship: Members in the room then enjoyed 10 minutes of fellowship. Guests, Visiting Rotarians & Honorary Members: We were joined by;
Banners for Exchange: N/A Announcements:
Sergeant at Arms: PE Christian Knowles was our Sergeant at Arms dolling out fines left, right, and centre. 2 for being late, 5 for lack of pins, 1 for no pin and no tie, 1 for three strikes (tardy attendance, no pin and being on the phone) and the last for no pin when the member in question has more pins then PE Christian and Lindsey combined. There were murmurs from the crowd that perhaps PE Christian should be fined having proudly informing the club he was wearing his favourite poppy Rotary pin only to be corrected that it was a Hibiscus RCEN pin… after a few chuckles PE Christian treated members to several jokes. Two featured golf games involving a variety of animals, and parting waters. Little Johnny was mentioned, for his particularly disgruntled letter to Santa dated 26 December 2022 where he objected to receiving socks, a yoyo and a lame whistle despite no one in the neighbourhood having behaved better than he. More on the consequences of that in later club meetings no doubt! Member Birthdays: Let the treasurer know once donations have been made. Please make checks payable to: EAST NASSAU ROTARY CLUB CHARITABLE TRUST Karen Knowles - Jan 09 Kimiko Knowles - Jan 11 Spouses Birthdays: Karen Knowles, spouse of PE Christian - Jan 09 (Karen after all of these reminders I hope Christian doesn’t forget!!) Wedding Anniversaries: N/A Membership Anniversaries: Multiple club anniversaries this week! Phil Andrews - 28 years on Jan 06 Ricky Fox - 11 years on Jan 06 Ryan Treco - 12 years on Jan 07 PADG Murray Forde - 41 years on Jan 08 David Knowles - 3 years on Jan 08 Kimiko Knowles - 3 years on Jan 08 D’Miller - 3 years on Jan 08 Jen Roberston - 2 years on Jan 08 Andrew Symonette - 3 years on Jan 08 Guest speaker: Shervonne Johnson welcomed One Family members to the podium, swiftly turning over to their PR Coordinator Anthony Coakley. Anthony started by thanking RCEN for the invite and introducing his colleagues; Chairman Christina ‘Muffin’ Fernander and Choreographer and Co-ordinater Misca Fernanda. Anthony explained that ‘Muffin’ had made history as the first woman chairwoman of a Junkanoo group. Further making history as the first woman chairwoman to lead a group to victory not once but twice in immediate succession. One Family celebrates their 30th Anniversary this year, on the back of a New Year’s win. Bittersweet, with their Boxing Day parade paying homage to the many members of their group lost during the Pandemic. ‘Muffin’, Anthony and Misca gave insight into the history of Junkanoo, the planning, preparation to rush and challenges faced by groups rushing. Junkanoo groups begin preparing costumes in March, and work right up to December. ‘Muffin’ explained how Junkanoo can be a powerful vehicle for social change, particularly for the youth of the country. She detailed One Family’s efforts to impact communities and members beyond the Junkanoo Parade. One Family’s mascot is an ant; builders who work together to get a job done. One Family’s constitution has an administrative core; with representatives from all sections of the parade on the steering committee. Unlike many other groups, any member of One Family has the opportunity to put forward theme suggestions to the steering committee. One Family’s aim, among others, is to contribute to positive growth and development through service, and promote Bahamian culture. They run several community projects including their annual ‘rush back to school’ event. 200 packs are prepared for school children in the Bain & Grants town area. The initiative includes inviting police and firemen to participate and provide safety tips and encouragement to children. School children are encouraged to bring their report cards to the event, with the highest preforming boy and girl from each grade receiving a tablet or bike to encourage continued academic excellence. The aim is to be a supportive community participant. Discussion and questions from members included parade management topics relating to spacing between groups, choreography queries, experience in a traditionally male dominated parade, and traditional Junkanoo design vs evolving design. The vote of thanks was given by Jeffrey Beckles, who has not only worked with ‘Muffin’ for years, seven relatives of his family are also members of One Family’s wind section. (I think we need more on this later…) Final Toast: The final toast was given by P Taran to Rotary around the world before ringing the bell to close out the meeting. |
Axis notes from the RCEN meeting of November 13, 2020The meeting was called to order with the ringing of the bell by PRIP Barry at 1pm, despite the insults being hurled at him from President Adrian, something about an old man! Invocation / Loyal Toasts: Third VP Kenrad provided a thoughtful and inspirational invocation, and Treasurer Carla enthusiastically toasted the Queen and The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Visiting Rotarians: P Adrian welcomed our visitors, including regulars Claudia from Germany, Mike from the Great North and PAG Karen Pinder, as well as P Odette from Old Fort. There were no guests introduced by Rotarians – not sure why Valentino did not have his usual contingent of 10 or more guests on. Sergeant: PP Michele was in great form, dishing out numerous fines including PP Franny (whiskers), new member Ethan (on the phone) and PP Joanne for being too hungover to turn her camera on. She then told a succession of very funny jokes, utilizing a laugh track which clearly would not have been needed at we been meeting in person. The highlight was a tag-team effort with special guest-sergeant PP Brian, which paid tribute to the late Sean Connery in a respectful but hilarious manner. Announcements: Literacy Chair Valentino announced the already in-progress auction to benefit our efforts to support families who are struggling with online education due to lack of the necessary devices and / or adequate internet service. Raffle items included a fine bottle of scotch, a case of ice cream, and a garbage can, which were generously donated by Rafique Symonette, Fun Foods (Llewellyn Burrows), and Bahamas Waste (PP Franny) respectively. Bidding was great throughout the meeting, inspiring Franny to offer another garbage can, and a total of $630 was raised after a great job by Valentino as auctioneer. Particularly moving was the winning bid of $200 by PP Michele, apparently still buoyed by her success as sergeant, for the ice cream, on the condition that it would be delivered to the Ranfurly Homes. Congratulations to all bidders and especially to “winners” PP Hope, Garth Brooks, and new member Shanalee. MEMBER BIRTHDAYS / SPOUSE BIRTHDAYS /WEDDING ANNIVERSARY / JOINED DATE ANNIVERSARY: Honorary Rotarian Bob MacDonald (Nov 17th) and Ash Henderson and Jaime Lewis (19th) are celebrating birthdays, while Erin Bethell Jones and Travis are celebrating six years of marital bliss. Davinia Grant (2 years) and Rupert Roberts (48 years!!) are celebrating Club anniversaries. PLEASE REMEMBER TO GIVE TO THE ENRCCT. Guest Speaker: Rafique introduced Noelle Nicholls, a philanthropist, writer, journalist, and activist. Noelle is working with Aliv / Rev / Business Solutions / OURTV in an ambitious Campaign for Inclusion called Connectivity 4-all. Noting the urgent need to assist families in need with the tools for successful online learning, the campaign, working with the Rotary Clubs of The Bahamas, seeks to raise $150,000 by December 31st to assist at least 500 families obtain up to 10,000 tablets. The program is focused on families who were eligible under the school lunch program but also is aimed at families who were doing okay prior to the pandemic but have now fallen through the gap due to job and / or income loss. The program will assist not only with devices but also with providing internet access to families. The program has certain eligibility requirements (public school students, low income, no bills outstanding with Aliv / Rev) and applicants are vetted by a committee which includes members from Rotary, the Cable Bahamas Group, and the Ministry of Education. A donation of $300 can provide a tablet and internet service for 12 months. Rotarians are encouraged to assist by spreading the word about the program (in terms of donors and applicants), by donating themselves or by encouraging / having their companies run fundraisers donation drives and matching funds raised by their staff. Royann thanked Noelle and her team for the presentation and the project, which is truly a great project and should be supported by our members. We were then treated to a few “About Me” presentations from some of our newer members, who all demonstrated why they will be good additions to the Club. Julia Symonette was born in New Providence but has had an interesting career both here and in the United Kingdom, and she is presently living in London. She returned to The Bahamas late last year to assist with relief efforts following Hurricane Dorian, during which time she really saw the power of Rotary in action. She was particularly moved by moving telephone poles in Man O War Cay, and she was happy to join RCEN and follow in the footsteps of her father and brother. Julia is particularly interested in sustainability and mountain biking, and says she is not overly competitive except when it comes to family game nights. Shanalee Storr was also born in New Providence but enthusiastically described herself as an island girl at heart who is a wife, mother, and business owner. Shanalee loves cooking, painting, baking and meditation. Shanalee currently enjoys running hew own business, but she is most interested in retiring to Eleuthera and sailing around The Bahamas. Jeffrey Beckles introduced him as a proud son of Chippingham, where he learned growing up that community meant something. Jeffrey enjoys cycling and golf is also a big fan of Eleuthera, where he enjoys spending time with his wife and four children. Jeffrey is a business consultant, small business advocate and farmer, having recently struck out on his own after serving as the Executive Director of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers’ Confederation. Jeffrey is also the CEO of Island Pay, the first digital wallet company in The Bahamas. Noting the strong presence and impact of Rotary in The Bahamas, Jeffrey noted that we may be the Rotary capital of the world, which fits with his goals to make The Bahamas and the world a better place. Jeffery was on such a role until he declared his 41-year passion for the Pittsburgh Steelers. We then had a quick update from Royann, who continues to do a great job leading the Environmental Protection Responsibility and Sustainability (EPRS) Committee. Royann encouraged us to all support their Meatless Monday campaign, choosing to eat at least one meal without meat on Monday in to help preserve our planet. The formal part of the meeting was then closed with a toast to Rotary Around the World, but the fun and festivities continued as the auction was brought to a thrilling close. Editor’s note: if you are reading this newsletter but not attending our weekly Zoom meetings, I encourage you to join the fun. Our Club continues to thrive, but we would do even better if we had more from participation from the many great members who make up our Club. |
Rotary East Nassau Accepts $228,000 Hurricane Relief Donation from KPMGRotary East Nassau Accepts $228,000 Hurricane Relief Donation from KPMG At its most recent virtual meeting The Rotary Club of East Nassau was proud to accept, on behalf of the Bahamas Rotary Clubs’ Rotary Disaster Relief Fund, a $228,000 donation from KPMG for Hurricane Dorian relief efforts in Grand Bahama and Abaco. Read on for the full story!... |
RCEN Online Speaker Series - EXTENDED📣 Announcing Don't miss this incredible lineup of Rotarians, starting with the PRESIDENT of Rotary International, Mark Maloney! Connect using Zoom on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Fridays at 1PM (12:30PM fellowship). Please email for the link to register. Guests are welcome! Thank you to our sponsors for helping us connect with Zoom: April sponsor: RCEN member, Adrian Forsythe; May sponsor: Bahamas Waste Limited June sponsor: Island Destination Services |
Join us LIVE at 1:00 PM, Sept 6Join us LIVE! We will be live streaming our speakers today. Please join us at 1:30 PM, September 6. Past Rotary International President Barry Rassin, and Past Assistant Governor Lindsey Cancino will be discussing Rotary’s role in disaster relief, including response, donations, and objectives. ![]() |
10,000 Backpacks Packed!The Rotary Clubs of The Bahamas first joint project of the 2019-2020 year! Rotarians came together between august 8th and 11th to pack 10,000 schoolbags with supplies provided by the Bahamas Striping Group of Companies. The bags will be donated to children throughout the country for the upcoming school year.
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First Meeting of the 2019-20 Year in the Books!![]() |
Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of 24th June 2019
Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of May 24, 2019Call to Order President Corinne called the meeting to order. Invocation Gary Sweeting did the invocation. This was followed by a moment of silence for past Rotarian Alex Knowles who recently passed. Condolences are extended to the Knowles family especially Honorary Member Geoff Knowles, Christian & Karen Knowles and James Knowles. Toasts To the Queen and The Commonwealth of The Bahamas Rotarian & Rotaract Visitors Anna Hanson read the visiting Rotarians: Melanie Halkitis – Rotary Club of Nassau Sunrise Cameron Reckley – Rotaract Club of East Nassau Candace Russell – Rotary Club of New Providence, Past President Rotaract Club of East Nassau & Interact Club of QC Advisor Member Guests Nobody seemed to be paying attention today as President Corinne had to point out guests for members. Hanna Middleton’s dad was in attendance, and Sydney Symonette’s guest was Jane Martin. Candace Russell introduced the Interact Club of Queen’s College advisor, Ms. Knowles, and the members of the club. Sergeant at Arms Incoming President Franny announced that this would be his last time as Sergeant. Franny seemed to allocate most of the fines to himself: one for being in the papers for the Sunshine Insurance Marathon, and another for setting the record for the fastest Rotary board meeting ever as last night’s board meeting ended at 9:01PM. Franny apparently goes to bed REALLY early. He also fined all Bahamas Waste shareholders as the company is paying a dividend and he demanded that all of his loyal shareholders put a portion of their future dividends in the pot. JP, Amol, Alexander, Mike & Phil were fined for not having their pins. Lindsey and Jamal were late. Franny then told some jokes about marriage being a curse. Robert also fed Franny some jokes with one being about someone trying going on a plane in nothing but a trenchcoat and exposing their “stub” instead of their ticket. Member Birthdays Make checks payable to: EAST NASSAU ROTARY CLUB CHARITABLE TRUST Michael Pinder May 28 Ralph Forskin May 30 Zoltan Szasz May 31 Spouses Birthdays None today Wedding Anniversaries None today Club Anniversaries Wayde Christie – 1 year Gavin Christie – 10 years Frank Crothers – 27 years Announcements Corinne announced that the Fishing tournament is on May 24th & 25th. Awards are on June 1st. JP announced that Changeover will be held on June 29 from 6 – 9PM at the Sailing Club. Price is $30. Guest Speaker Today we were supposed to have an Interact Speech Competion, however the Christian Heritage Interact team was MIA. They may have been scared as Interactor Rolan Lightbourne delivered a wonderful speech on the 4-way test and how it impacts us socially and personally. In his view, the most important aspect of the 4 way test is, “Will it build goodwill and better friendships?” Friendships create synergy and this synergy allows us to work towards a common goal. Another highlight of his speech was that by utilizing the 4-way test, we discard malicious attitudes and exhibit compassion and selflessness. He concluded by saying that with an unselfish mindset nations can be built, thus “The birth of a new nation is on the horizon and it’s all because of the 4-way test.” This one-sided competition led to the winning team, Queen’s College receiving a cheque for $500. Rotaractor Cameron Reckly who is also a toastmaster gave a good review of the speech. The speech was characterized as motivational, inspirational and captivating. About Me Talks We had about 20 minutes left before the end of the meeting, so 3 new members gave their about me talks. Angela Davis is a mother of 1 and is married to Jamal Davis, member of Rotary Club of Nassau. She works with her husband at their law firm where she is the Vice President and Firm Manager. One of her favorite things to do is Netflix and chill to which JP asked if she is sure if she knows what Netflix and chill is. She confirmed that she is Netflix and chilling with her husband. She also likes to garden. She joined Rotary to help out in the community and interact with like minded individuals. Carla Carey is from Freeport and is 1 of 4 siblings. She graduated from Freeport Anglican High and University of Virginia where she studied accounting. She is a single mother to a 14-year-old daughter who likes to dance. She characterized herself as an over achiever. Carla spent 15 years abroad and moved back 3 years ago. Rotary was a good opportunity to integrate herself in the community. Jamie Lewis is a tourism entrepreneur whose nametag incorrectly says he works in private banking. He is the owner of Islandz Tours. Jamie went to SAC and studied Philosophy in college. He is a Past President of our Rotaract Club and past community service and fundraising director. After much pressure from members, he joined Rotary for networking and giving back to the community. Jamie also has a baby on the way, due in July. Final Toast President Corinne toasted to Barry & Esther & to Rotary around the world. She also toasted to Interact. She told everyone travelling to Hamburg to have a good time. Editor, Tiffany Smith |
Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of May17th, 2019
Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of January 11, 2019Call to Order: President Corrine Laville got the meeting started at 1 pm. There was a moment of silence in honour of the passing of PP George Riviere from the Rotary Club of Abaco. Invocation: The invocation was eloquently given by Adam Darville. Toasts: President Corrine gave a toast to the Queen and to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Visiting Rotarians:
Honorary Members: None Member Guests: There were no visiting guests. Banners for Exchange: There were no banners for exchange. Sergeant at Arms: Michelle Moodie fined Richard for giving her the worst joke book ever and based on the jokes she told he deserved a double fine, although there was a mathematics and Viagra jokes that were kind of funny. Diane, Brock and Constance were fined for being late. Member Birthdays: (Make checks payable to: EAST NASSAU ROTARY CHARITABLE TRUST $2/yr)
Partner Birthdays:
Date Joined:
Speaker for the day: John Robertson introduced John Cox, the speaker for the day. Mr. Cox is the founder of the Popup Studio (founded in 1989). In 2012 he became the Curator of the National Art Gallery and in 2014 he became the Creative Director at Bahamar where he oversaw the collaboration of over 60 artists on 8,000 items. He also taught art for a year at St. Andrews School. Mr. Cox presented a series of art pieces from various artists. The first was a piece was a photograph that was over 140 years old by John Conley depicting what island life was like. It showed a lady standing in a studio with palm fronds in the back, a basket on her head and holding another basket with live chickens. The second image showcased the “Its Better in The Bahamas” t-shirt. The image was interesting in that it conjured up an idealistic, nostalgic, romantic feel of The Bahamas. The third image was of Queen Elizabeth visiting the straw market and holding a straw bag. The fourth image was the familiar Eddie Minnis painting of a Poinciana tree in which he idealizes the landscape – there are no cars, waste bins etc. There was a painting by Brent Malone of Junkanoo which showed the evolution of Junkanoo including African images. There was a screen shot taken from a video done by Bahamian artist Janine Antoni which shows her on tight rope with the horizon in the background. There was a photo of John Beadle’s the “Mobile Housing Scheme”. Houses built out of cardboard and built like wheelbarrows. The last photos were of the artist’s work. The was a piece on the Junkanoo Parade which showed how sophisticated Junkanoo has become. He noted that Junkanoo is now seen as fine art. The second piece is called “Unseen Sculpture”. There was a piece called “I Am Not Afraid to Fight a Perfect Stranger” which was exhibited at the Organization of American States. The final piece was “Go Ask Your Dad”. The artist was thanked by Lindsey Cancino. Final Toast To Barry & Esther Rassin, and to Rotary around the World. Prepared by: Rekell Griffin |
Notes for the Axis for the September 15, 2017 meetingNotes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of September 15, 2017 Call to Order: With a “happy to see you all” after last weeks’ day off, thanks to Horrible Hurricane Irma, President Hope called the meeting to order. Invocation: Naughty at the Mike gave thanks for the grub. Toasts: The Queen followed by another to theCommonwealth of The Bahamas. Rotarian Visitors: President Hope interrupted Amol, who was in the middle of a lengthy hurricane story, to read the list of visitors. There were none in the book but Ashton Moxey was there from Southeast Club along with a few others, but due to the confusion they have remained nameless Member Guests There were guests introduced by Phil who had his favourite Aliv Golf sponsor. Brock, John Joseph and Taran also had guests Visitors and guests were warmly welcomed. Sergeant at Arms: Heavily Medicated & Very Famous PP Adam gave us light entertainment today including a “welcome back” fine for Mr. Fox Hill Run, John Joseph, a “that’s not how its done” fine for Brock who allowed his guest to buy him red wine, “late again” fines for a long list that included Iona, Brent, Candice, Zoltan, Kenrad& Tanya amongst others. A Little Johnny joke fell flat when we learned that his teacher had a drinking problem and the Politically Incorrect Bus Driver joke had a crushing ending. Member Birthdays: With your celebration donation supportEast Nassau Rotary Club Charitable Trust DushinkaClaridge Kristy Kemp Dianne Miller Spouses Birthdays: Jamaal’s Ashlee Lindsey’s Lesley Wedding Anniversaries None this week Membership Anniversaries: Constance Gibson 2 yrs. Fintan Mooney 10 yrs. Announcements: The Fox Hill Run has some new and interesting beneficiaries for those who have not been on the route for some time. Get out and meet them. Next week there will be a Potcake Triathlon, Google it for details as I did not get them. Guest Speaker PP Clifford introduced Andy and Nancy Knowles who came to speak and update us on the “Let’s Swim Bahamas” program. It is always easy to listen to speakers who have a passion for what they are doing. Andy began actively swimming as a 5 year old and during the more than 55 years that followed he has been involved as a competitor and coach all over the world. He and Nancy began the Swift Swim Club in 1990, has written a Water Safety and while in Sidney, Australia was inspired to begin “Let’s Swim Bahamas”that is now established as a Foundation. Their aim is to have “learn to swim programs” in all Government Schools. “Swim” is now in all Gov. Primary Schools and has good dialogue with the Ministry of Education. Andy and Nancy have a 10 yeartimetable to complete their plan. With 40 active volunteers, and some coaches who receive a small stipend, they are working on a structure that will ensure that the “Swim” organisation will continue to be strong even after they have retired. Vote of Thanks Llewellyn Burrows opened his vote of thanks by noting with amazement the large number of persons who cannot swim despite living on a small island. President Hope showed the Club’s appreciation for the hard work of Andy and Nancy by making a contribution of $1,500 to Let’s Swim Bahamas Final Toast To Rotary Around The World Editor,Little Robbie |
Rotary Cruise Conference 2017![]() nitial targets for Registrations have already been reached! With less than 4 months to go, and demand and prices from the Cruise Line expected to go up soon, just sending out a note to see if you have Registered yet for the "Cruise You'll Never Forget"...
If you have not yet booked, take a minute to look over previous emails I have sent covering a lot of the initial information. Alternatively, you can visit the District Conference Website for ALL the Cruise information you will need for now, including details on how to get registered immediately and contact information for our designated travel agent - Steve. Booking the Cruise with Steve includes your Automatic Conference Registration.
EPCP - RCEN's Vocational Service community impact goalOn Monday, January 9, 2017, available members of the Vocational Service Committee ("VSC"), lead by Vocational Service Director, Adrian R. White, met with representatives of The Department of Labour.
![]() Pictured from left to right are Patrenda Russell-Brice, The Department of Labour and Adrian R. White, Vocational Service Director, RCEN.
With introductions made, goals and ideas were shared. RCEN's Vocational Service community impact goal for this year, is to create a program for Employment Placement of Civic Participants ("EPCP"). This EPCP goal was discussed and enthusiastically received by The Department of Labour.
As it happens, our EPCP community impact goal compliments an intitative, undertaken by The Department of Labour and The Ministry of National Security, funded by a grant from the International Development Bank and expected to run over a five year period. Under the EPCP, qualifed persons must be participants in one or more of the numerous civic organizations in The Bahamas.
The expected success of the RCEN's Vocation Service EPCP program initiative, will benefit from an allied and cooperative effort of all civic organizations in The Bahamas and The Department of Labour.
January is Vocational Service month in Rotary District 7020 and as we continue to serve the community, your VSC thanks you for your support. The VSC welcomes new members and asks all to stay tuned for more updates and action this month.
"You're great at your vocation, share it with us." |
International support following international disaster (Nassau, The Bahamas) (October 10, 2016) — Rotarians around the globe raise their glasses each week and toast to "Rotary around the world." The power of this statement is even more evident during times of disasters. Less than 24 hours after Hurricane Matthew passed over Nassau, capital of The Bahamas, Rotarians in The Cayman Islands were collecting supplies for The Bahamas. Having experienced devastating hurricanes themselves, without a second thought Caymanians organized drop locations for donations.
RCEN Club Goals 2016-2017![]() Every year Rotary clubs throughout the world are given goals from Rotary International and their District team. While every club has the flexibility on running their club these goals act as a helpful roadmap to keep us on a similar path. Please take a moment to review the RCEN goals for the 2016-2107 year. Download the goals HERE
Interact makes us Proud........Again![]() The Interact club of Queens College recently donated $1,000 each to the Ranfurly Home and sir Victor Sasoon Foundation. Picture shows presentation with Prez Jessica Cartwright, Prez elect Taylor Roberts, members of the board and advisors. Funds came from several projects during the year including the sale of roses on Valentine's Day.
RCEN Supports the National Trust![]() Bahamas National Trust volunteers enjoyed a tasty treat during their clean up at Harold and Wilson Ponds last Saturday as RCEN were on site to serve up their World Famous Hamburgers.
The first of what is hoped to be an annual event for the BNT was aimed at engaging the local communities of Pride Estates 1 & 2 in maintaining this important wetland area that sits on their doorstep. RCEN has a deep affiliation with BNT and this area in particular as we were instrumental in the building of the boardwalk over the ponds many moons ago.
In between Marshalling the troops our Hamburger Van Guru Llewellyn "Unca Loa" Burrows even managed to find time to "Big-Up" RCEN live on the airwaves during a 100 Jamz live radio broadcast.
A great afternoon all round!
Past Rotaract President inducted into RCEN![]() The Rotary Club of East Nassau inducted Past Rotaract President (2013-2014) Taran Mackey into the club on July 3rd. Taran is a young, dedicated Rotarian who participated in a multitude of joint projects and Rotary work while serving in Rotaract. The members of RCEN would like to warmly welcome Taran into the club as the first inductee of the 2015-2016 Rotary year. Pictured (L-R) is Jason Robertson (President), Taran Mackey & Phil Cumming.
RCEN Salutes a Rising Star![]() As one of his last official presidential jobs, the Rotary Club of East Nassau Past President Elmer Lowe awarded Mayuri Decka with the "Rising Star" award. This award is presented to new members who go above and beyond and show exemplary Rotary characteristics shortly after joining the club. Mayuri responded to the humanitarian need in Nepal and organized a fundraising campaign which ultimately raised over $10,000 for Nepal. The event was so successful that a new club sponsored program was formed, GREAT (Global Rotary East Action Today) which will take charge in emergency situations such as Nepal. The club congratulates Mayuri for her great program and look forward to her continued participation in Rotary.
Minutes June 26, 2015Axis Notes June 26, 2015 Meeting
The final meeting of President Elmer's year swung into action at 1pm presided over a very happy near IPP.
The Invocation was done by John Palme and Vibert Williams led us in the recital of the 4-way test.
Rotary friend, Kyle Chea, introduced AC Chacon who was in town to coach members of the Bahamas Rowing Team. AC thanked Sir Durward for his $5,000 donation; Barry Rassin for allowing the team to keep their rowing machines at Bahamas Medical Centre so they can practice indoors and RCEN's donation of $500.
The funds were used for 4 pairs of sculling oars to fully complement our sculling racing shells, 4 indoor rowing machines and a 14 ft. Boston Whaler, with 30hp and Bimini top for coaching and safety – their own; no longer borrowing! Gifts were given to Sir Durward and PE Jason.
Bob MacDonald was given his Director's pin, PHF2 and was recognized for his outstanding contribution to the BAPD and ENRC Foundation. Sir Durward added his thanks to President Elmer's.
New member Mayuri Deka was given the Rising Star Award for her enthusiasm and hard work. And Uli Veogles was awarded a PHF for his tireless work with the Violets are Blue programme in the Bain and Grants Town areas. He took the opportunity to invite members to a movie night they had on Saturday past. 'Disco' Dave Lakin was given a PHF2 for his work at the Sea Horse Institute and being the one Rotarian who participated in almost every event during 2014-2015.
Sargent-at-Arms PP Brian Moodie cracked a few jokes while apologizing for not being the best joke teller but he still got some laughs.
Member birthdays - David Allen - June 25; Terry Mosko - June 27; Barry Rassin- June 28; Davin Lakin - July 3.
Join Anniversaries - Gary Sweeting, June 30 - 13 years; Dave Jenner, July 1 - 30 years; Vibert Williams, July 1 - 1 year.
Wedding Anniversaries - Mark & Nicki Henderson July 1 - 35 years; Warren& Rhonda Rolle July 1 - 20 years; Joshua & Manuela Major July 1 - 33 years.
Franny De Cardenas got a special award for being a good sport and one hellava catch. According to IPP Phil, Franny was 'hooked' while fishing on the Rotary boat during the Tuna Tournament and although he was unceremoniously dumped back on dry land to see to his wound he took it like a trooper.
Robert Jagger, a raconteur of no mean order, once again came to the podium to regale us with stories of his days at the Financial Times in London, working on the Foreign news desk in charge of Spain, Portugal and Latin America goings on and how his credit with his friends rose when he wined and dined them in one of FT's five dining rooms, imbibing the fine wines produced by the Pearson family vineyards. How he was able to eventually dodge the MI5 and MI6 recruitment teams with the help of his Uncle John Marriott (a character from Spy Catcher?) and his visit to the Polish Club in London where the Polish government in exile resided.
Elmer then thanked the club for giving him the privilege of being president and read his description of RCEN "Who are We?
Pres Elmer closed the meeting one last time with a salute to Rotary Around the World!
Sent from my iPad |
RCEN Changeover Party 2015-2016The Rotary Club of East Nassau, and their Rotaract Club, held their presidential changeover party on June 20th.
Minutes June 19, 2015
Minutes May 15, 2015
Axis – Sports Extra EditionRevenge was a dish best served under a baking hot sun today as after a year in the wilderness Rotary reclaimed their crown in the annual East Nassau Rotary v Rotaract Softball Smackdown.
After a slight delay caused by tardiness Rotary, despite the best efforts of team manager JP, took the field with a distinctly 5 ‘O’ Clock shadow about them, leading to the “two females on the field at all times” rule being hastily revised/swept under the carpet for the day, and, using the catch them while they’re confused tactic took the initiative from the off.
Learning form Rotaract’s performance last year, Rotary leant on a solid first innings lead to huff and puff their way to a 20 something v a less than 20 something victory, the exact score being forever lost in the dusts of time due to your Sports Editor being dropped to the bench at the end of the second innings and therefore losing interest in the details very quickly. The discovery of Coach Eddie Gardiner’s cooler shortly thereafter doing little to increase attention spans.
While Alan Burrows won the “Best Dressed Softball Player EVER” trophy, and Rotary pitcher Francisco deCardenas went home clutching the “Sigh……I used to be young” award, this day wasn’t about individual glory, it was about fun in the sun, so if you weren’t there this year, make sure you are next!
All Action photo’s van be seen by following the link below……
Minutes April 24thNotes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of April 24th, 2015
Call to Order:
President Elmer called to order this meeting of “The Best Rotary Club in The Bahamas and quite possibly the world”.
The Pres. thanked Jean-Marc and Bob for hosting the board meeting last night. All looked quite clear eyed so they must have had a short meeting and got home early. Or maybe they took the day off and slept in.
PP Joanne Smith stated that we were truly thankful for the food… Amen.
To The Queen and then to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Rotarian & Rotaract Visitors:
Nadia introduced those visiting today including Rotaract District rep Alicia and other Rotaract members. Also with us was Ivan from the Southeast Club.
Honorary Members:
There were none today.
Member Guests
There were none
All were given a big round of applause.
None today.
New Member
Hope Sealey introduced our newest member Rekel Griffin. Rekel is a Manager at Commonwealth Bank having prior business experience as a civil servant and in private industry with Esso, IBM and Scotia Bank. She was described as a great fundraiser and we look forward to hearing her “who am I talk” when we will hear of her Life Altering Moment. Our President presented Rekel with a shiny new spatula as a reminder that she will be working the Hamburger Van frequently.
Sergeant at Arms:
PP Geoff congratulated new member Adrian White for an excellent first time as Sergeant last week. I think PP Geoff went against protocol when he fined his fellow sergeant. The sergeant then went on a laughing roll with stories about a male blond, Ice Cream men in a parking lot and a jockey who needed help using a urinal.
Member Birthdays:
Marty Weinberg
Spouses Birthdays:
Roland Knowles’s RudeeAnn Eddie Gardner’s Paula
Wedding Anniversaries:
Hope & Anton Sealey, 115 yrs. Please confirm this number Mr. Secretary
John & Susan Robertson, 42 yrs.
Roland & RudeeAnn Knowles, 16 yrs.
Tanya Carey, 1 yrs. Jack Christofilis, 2 yrs. Mike Russell, 4 yrs.
PP Sidney “Tooth Fairy” Sweeting is doing well after a bit of a scare and is now at home.
PAG Lindsey informed that today’s sergeants take and fines would be given to the End Polio Now, World Greatest Meal campaign in honour and memory of Ramesh Manek, PP of the R.C. of Sint Maarten-Mid Isle who tragically died this past week.
The club attendance rate is pathetically low at 76 – 80% and is not in keeping with award winning performance of past years. It’s easy to make up and simple to inform when done by sending an email to
Alicia, the Rotaract District Representative is from Sint Maarten has been super active having visited 43 of the 53 district clubs. Past East Nassau Rotaract President Taran has been the perfect host during her visit to the Bahamas. Alicia commented how she really enjoyed the spirit and size of our club.
For those with Red Dots don’t forget the Fox Hill Run every other week on a Saturday morning.
RLI is being held this weekend. Attend and learn more about Rotary
The Pres. told of Rotary Clubs in The Bahamas embarking on a “Cure the violence programme” that will run for 3 to 5 yrs. We will be hearing a lot more.
Rotary Clubs of The Bahamas party tonight at Bullion
Softball against Rotaract Sunday at St. Andrews School
Speaker for the day:
Adrian White introduced our speaker today who was Nick Dean. Nick is a Civil Engineer by trade and an entrepreneur by nature. He is the owner of a very successful engineering company and somehow finds time to be involved in the community. The project that he is presently very active with is the Moore’s Island Student Athlete Program. Despite its tiny population and rough conditions, many of our country’s best sprinters come from this island that is just off Abaco. Coach Anthony Williams and his wife house, feed, train and mentor up to 15 your men in their home. Nick has formed a committee that will raise funds to build and manage a proper dormitory and training facility for Moore’s Island that will also facilitate a better education for the young men with a goal of obtaining more athletic scholarships.
Vote of Thanks:
Robert Jagger thanked Nick Dean who was a very inspirational speaker.
Final Toast To
Editor Little Robbie
Axis March 27, 2015Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of March 27, 2015 |
March 13, 2015Notes from the Meeting of March 13,2015 Posted by Geoff Andrews |
March 6, 2015Axis for the meeting of March 6, 2015 The meeting was called to order at 1pm by Diane Dewitt who was standing in for President Elmer who was in Grand Cayman. The invocation was ably rendered by Gary Sweeting. Visiting Rotarians list was read by new Rotarian Nadia Stubbs and they included our Guest speaker Eric Busha Clarke, Karen Pinder, Taran Mackey, Puppy Robinson, Tiffany Smith. PP Robert Brown had ENRCF foundation recipient Kyle Oliver as his guest. Kristi Kemp had a guest too. Sergeant Franny deCardenas congratulated BWA'sJason and John Robertson for the opening of their new location on Carmichael Road. He fined Eric 'Busha' Clarke because he looked like Jamaican Mafia and Sir Durward got a special mention because March 6 marked 48 years as a Rotarian in RCEN. Acting President Diane Dewitt very ably inducted Wendy Sneff who was proposed by David Allen. Wendy is a lawyer now but she once played a role opposite Christopher 'Superman' Reeve at Cornell University. Announcements Corinne came up to remind us about the Spring concert on March 14 at Watling's Distillery and March 15 at the Kirk.There will also be fantastic silent auction and grand raffle on Saturday that you don't want to miss. Tickets for March 14 are $35 and $50 and include a free drink; March15 tickets are $20. PP Adam updated us on Paul Cartwright who had heart surgery to unblock three arteries to his heart. But he's recovering well because he called Adam to find out who was sitting in his chair and who was going to work at the Seahorse Institute on the weekend. Dave Lakin tried to get answers to that question by asking for volunteers to come and paint on Sunday. A rather hoarse AG Karen Pinder came to offer her congratulations on RCEN for winning Club of the Month for November, Foundation Month, for the fifth time in succession. She also reminded us about Rotaract East Nassau's 'Captured', their fundraiser for Unity House on East Street South. And while she had the mic, our club was invited to Sunrise's Rotareats on March 21. Tickets are $75 per person and include a3-course meal, drinks, fellowship and transportation. Also on Saturday, March 21 from 12 noon to 6pm is Murray's Other Club - Antique Auto Club's Steakout ($15), at Arawak Cay. proceeds go to the Mission Home in Cat Island. Richard Pyfrom came up to solicit business cards to fill his champagne ice bucket for the Tuna programme. Business cards are $100 each. The Tuna Tournament is set for June5&6. President 'Puppy' East Nassau Rotaract also invited the club to post bail of $500 for convicts (RCEN's Khalil Parker and Karen Pinder) JJ McKenzie's dog was going for $250. They made $6,000 at the event. Lindsey Cancino thanked the club for their contribution to the Rotary Foundation and asked Barry to present a Major Donor Level 1 Crystal and diamond pin to Terry Mosko for his donation. Barry then asked Terry, sotto voce, to ask others to donate as a Major Donor. Terry promptly did, but only because Barry had asked him to. Barry introduced our Guest speaker Eric 'Busha da Jamaican mafia' who is also the 2015 District Conference chair for Jamaica. Eric was on the last leg of a tour of Cayman and Bahamian clubs to extend a personal invitation to Rotarians to attend the conference that will be held at Half-Moon Resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica,from May 12-16. Registration is US$200 before March 31 at and they have negotiated a room rate of $175 per night double occupancy in villas close to the conference rooms. They are expecting 700 attendees and the rooms are going fast. RCEN has already filled up one villa. Schedule of events include Wednesday - assembly; Thursday- opening ceremony and home hospitality; Friday - Dr Paul's Party, Party, Party and Saturday is the golf tournament then the gala banquet. But through all the socializing there is no better time to fellowship with other Rotarians, exchange ideas, make plans for bettering our communities and forge new friendships. Eric was thanked by Lindsey. AP Diane toasted Rotary Around the World. Scribe Joanne Smith |
Minutes March 6, 2015Axis for the meeting of March 6, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 1pm by Diane Dewitt who was standing in for President Elmer who was in Grand Cayman.
The invocation was ably rendered by Gary Sweeting.
Visiting Rotarians list was read by new Rotarian Nadia Stubbs and they included our Guest speaker Eric Busha Clarke, Karen Pinder, Taran Mackey, Puppy Robinson, Tiffany Smith. PP Robert Brown had ENRCF foundation recipient Kyle Oliver as his guest. Kristi Kemp had a guest too.
Sergeant Franny deCardenas congratulated BWA'sJason and John Robertson for the opening of their new location on Carmichael Road. He fined Eric 'Busha' Clarke because he looked like Jamaican Mafia and Sir Durward got a special mention because March 6 marked 48 years as a Rotarian in RCEN.
Acting President Diane Dewitt very ably inducted Wendy Sneff who was proposed by David Allen. Wendy is a lawyer now but she once played a role opposite Christopher 'Superman' Reeve at Cornell University.
Corinne came up to remind us about the Spring concert on March 14 at Watling's Distillery and March 15 at the Kirk.There will also be fantastic silent auction and grand raffle on Saturday that you don't want to miss. Tickets for March 14 are $35 and $50 and include a free drink; March15 tickets are $20.
PP Adam updated us on Paul Cartwright who had heart surgery to unblock three arteries to his heart. But he's recovering well because he called Adam to find out who was sitting in his chair and who was going to work at the Seahorse Institute on the weekend. Dave Lakin tried to get answers to that question by asking for volunteers to come and paint on Sunday.
A rather hoarse AG Karen Pinder came to offer her congratulations on RCEN for winning Club of the Month for November, Foundation Month, for the fifth time in succession. She also reminded us about Rotaract East Nassau's 'Captured', their fundraiser for Unity House on East Street South. And while she had the mic, our club was invited to Sunrise's Rotareats on March 21. Tickets are $75 per person and include a3-course meal, drinks, fellowship and transportation.
Also on Saturday, March 21 from 12 noon to 6pm is Murray's Other Club - Antique Auto Club's Steakout ($15), at Arawak Cay. proceeds go to the Mission Home in Cat Island.
Richard Pyfrom came up to solicit business cards to fill his champagne ice bucket for the Tuna programme. Business cards are $100 each. The Tuna Tournament is set for June5&6.
President 'Puppy' East Nassau Rotaract also invited the club to post bail of $500 for convicts (RCEN's Khalil Parker and Karen Pinder) JJ McKenzie's dog was going for $250. They made $6,000 at the event.
Lindsey Cancino thanked the club for their contribution to the Rotary Foundation and asked Barry to present a Major Donor Level 1 Crystal and diamond pin to Terry Mosko for his donation. Barry then asked Terry, sotto voce, to ask others to donate as a Major Donor. Terry promptly did, but only because Barry had asked him to.
Barry introduced our Guest speaker Eric 'Busha da Jamaican mafia' who is also the 2015 District Conference chair for Jamaica. Eric was on the last leg of a tour of Cayman and Bahamian clubs to extend a personal invitation to Rotarians to attend the conference that will be held at Half-Moon Resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica,from May 12-16.
Registration is US$200 before March 31 at and they have negotiated a room rate of $175 per night double occupancy in villas close to the conference rooms. They are expecting 700 attendees and the rooms are going fast. RCEN has already filled up one villa. Schedule of events include Wednesday - assembly; Thursday- opening ceremony and home hospitality; Friday - Dr Paul's Party, Party, Party and Saturday is the golf tournament then the gala banquet. But through all the socializing there is no better time to fellowship with other Rotarians, exchange ideas, make plans for bettering our communities and forge new friendships.
Eric was thanked by Lindsey.
AP Diane toasted Rotary Around the World.
Joanne Smith
Minutes February 27, 2015Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of February 27th, 2015
Call to Order:
President Elmer called the meeting to order.
Nadia Stubbs gave the invocation.
To our Queen and to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
Visiting Rotarians:
Jean-Marc Fellay read the visitors incl. PP Joan Pinder,PP Tarran Mackay and Richard Rolle.
Honorary Members:
None today
Member Guests
There were only 2 guests today, one of which was Zoltan’s son.
None today.
Sergeant at Arms:
PP Brian Moodie stepped up with the usual mild welcome - he has now recovered from his accident in January. He tried a joke from the Sergeant’s joke book but it didn’t work ….so he distracted us by asking Denzil to move tables as he was late (surprise) and sitting on his own. He then milked applause for his 18yrs membership, as he was absent that week. Brian finally tried another joke with accents …the Sean Connery was very good … and won the meeting round !
Member Birthdays:
(Make checks payable to: EAST NASSAU ROTARY CLUB FOUNDATION, $2/yr)
Jeff Albury and Brian Hassan.
Partner Birthdays:
SilvinaAndrews(Phil), and Bernadette Thornley (Graham).
Wedding Anniversaries:
Membership Join Dates:
John Joseph, 2 yrs
Lindsey Cancino, 25 yrs
Paul Cartwright, 21 yrs
David Lakin requested help for the continuing playground renovation project at the Seahorse Institute on Soldier Rd on Sunday 8-12am.There is excellent progress, and we are in the painting phase now so all welcome particularly the ladies !
Joanne Smith gave a reminder for the next musical concert at John Watlings distillery on March 14th, including a silent auction. Funds are for the RCEN Foundation for another 3 scholarships. $35/$50 tickets.
JP announced the make-up get together at the Rum Festival on Saturday at 4pm – to meet Jeff Mitchell and watch him serve drinks !
Tiffany Smith reminded us of the upcoming Rotaract ‘Bail out’ fundraiser on March 7th at Pirates Pub – various Rotarians and celebrities will be jailed requiring $500 each bail money. Money raised is for a new bus for Unity House.
Terry Mosko gave a big ‘thank you’ to all Rotarians who had given blood to Doctors Hospital following a request for his wife – there was even a donation from a club in Eleuthera. His wife is recovering slowly but surely.
New Members:
Stacy Lubin-Gray introduced a new member Ian Reid (VP Food & Beverage Atlantis) and he was warmly welcomed. Look forward to his input to the Hamburger van ….
Speaker for the day:
PP Phil Cumming introduced Dr Kim Scriven who is a fully qualified speech therapist and audiologist. Phil worked with her closely last year, selecting 14 children to be helped. The audiology and speech clinic is based in Doctors Hospital and provides hearing implants and aids. RCEN has been providing annual donations since 2006 – through the Gift of Hearing scheme.
This practice is required due to the lack of support provided by the government social services, but there is a real need for children with hearing impairment. Since the clinic began there have been 120 Bahamian children given new life with the hearing aids. 80% can join normal school, with the remaining 20% still requiring special schooling.
Lack of hearing stunts the ability to communicate, and once the hearing is restored it empowers the children to cope, adapt and manage their disability to achieve their full potential. A heart-warming video was shown which filmed parents and children explaining the challenges/frustrations/treatment/life changes they go through. The impact of restoring hearing is truly amazing and, as Elmer emphasised, RCEN should be proud of supporting such a great cause helping so many children.
Vote of Thanks:
Hope Sealey gave thanks to Kim and captured the meeting’s admiration of her work.
Final Toast To
Editor John Palmer
Minutes February 20, 2015Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of February 20th, 2014
Call to Order:
With a little music in his ear, President Elmer got started with what he promised would be a spectacular meeting.
President Elmer brought to our attention the new banner on display recognising that Rotary is now 110 years young. PP Joanne happily accepted a prize for being the first to get the answer to his question.
Robert Jagger blessed the food and had the scribe been paying attention he would have heard what was said about sinners.
To The Queen and then to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Rotarian & Rotaract Visitors:
Jaques Christofilis read the list that included Jack Fleming from Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada. Also with us was the New Providence Club President and Michael Knowles, Bianco from Rotaract and one from the Sunrise Club.
Honorary Members:
There were none today.
Member Guests
Gary, Mike, Stacy and Mr. Rotary Rassin had guests today.
All were given a big round of applause.
New Member
Stacy Lubin-Gray introduced our newest member, Nadia Stubbs. Nadia studied Psycology at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania. She subsequently obtained a Masters Degree that helped her rise to the position of Asst. Director of Process Improvement, Food & Beverage at Atlantis. Nadia plays flag football to help her keep fit and she is looking forward to giving service to the community as a member of our club. Welcome Nadia.
We got a banner today from Etobicoke Club member Jack, who was impressed by our size and our high spirits.
Sergeant at Arms:
President Elmer asked us to give Sergeant Adam a “how do you feel about our Sergeant welcome”. I can only presume that most of us didn’t hear the President because the welcome was a little flat. Undeterred, Adam fined Denzel for being early, others for being late and more for lacking a pin. To ensure that in the future we express out true feelings, Adam gave us the female definitions of, Fine, Nothing, Go Ahead, Whatever & Wow. I think I know the gender of those who may be happy to see Sergeant Adam the next time he appears at the podium.
Member Birthdays:
Stuart Tavares & Donald Tomlinson owe the Foundation a bit of cash
Spouses Birthdays:
None this week
Wedding Anniversaries:
None this week
George Simon, 1 yr. George Cox, 36 yrs.
Warren Rolle 3 yrs. Uli Voges, 3 yrs.
Bob MacDonald, 5 yrs.
Sir Durward told us about the origins of the One Bahamas Celebration that he began along with Algernon Allen.
Mayuri told us about a COB Symposium, to discuss Festival Art and Carnival that will have happened by the time you read this.
Kahlil said the Rotaract is going to capture him for an upcoming fundraiser to be held at Pirates on March 7th. He will be calling on all to raise fund to set him free.
Richard Pyfrom told how you could participate in the upcoming fishing tournament without owning a boat. Let him know if you are interested.
Speaker for the day:
Not a speaker but deliverer of a long announcement was Rabbi Sholom Bluming who told us about “An Evening With Dan Alon”. Mr. Alon is a survivor of the 1972 Munich Olympics terrorist massacre and will be in Nassau March 10th to tell his story at the Melia Hotel 6:00 pm.
PP Joanne introduced our main speaker, Nikita Shiel-Rolle. Nikita was a beneficiary of the East Nassau Rotary Club Foundation. Based on her presentation the money was very well invested. She told us about Young Marine Explorers which focuses on Environmental Sustainability & Active Citizenship. Nikita packed a lot into her presentation and it not possible to summarize it in a few lines. For more see the website at
YME is having a positive effect on the lives of young persons who may be struggling in our school system. These youngsters form a part what is a large underserved population that have poor problem solving skills. She noted that they will some day make up the largest part of our voting population. Through field trips she educates, inspires and builds leadership skills while creating environmentally conscious citizens. She has also formed a partnership with Miami Dade College to further enhance the program.
Vote of Thanks:
Given by Brent Symonette
Final Toast To
Editor Little Robbie
RCEN Milestone Recorded TodayThe Rotary Club of East Nassau recorded another milestone today as we hosted the first meeting with our new Early Act Club of Genesis Academy. Excitement was in the air as Faculty Advisor Cally Allen announced the new Board. Rotarian Hope Sealy quizzed more than 25 students on what they thought should be their first projects and Rotarian Llewellyn Burrows gave them a brief talk about Rotary and their role in the club. New Rotarian Advisor Kristy Kemp is scheduled to take over the lead next week as we put them on the road to success.
40 people donate their Saturday to invest in our youthRotarian Advisors, School Interact and Early Act Club Advisors and Rotary Trainers gathered Saturday for training and discussion on how to guide their members to be effective clubs. With the turnout larger than in previous years we know our youth are in good hands. The event was organized by Rotary Clubs of the Bahamas director Rema Martin and Training Chair Winston Rolle.
We thank the East Nassau Rotarian Advisors who were in attendance: Llewellyn Burrows, Hope Sealy, Corinne Laville, Kristy Kemp and Dave Lakin. |
RCEN Celebrates Keith Parker![]() ZNS covers Keith Parker Celebrations, story begins at 3:00 mins.
RLI in Nassau![]() A number of RCEN members took advantage of the Rotary training sessions offered this weekend by the Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division. Members were working towards a four part course in order to strengthen their knowledge of the Rotary programs, opportunities and how to encourage others to make the most of their Rotary experience.
Painting at Ranfurly![]() The Rotary Club of East Nassau was out in force last weekend to complete there painting project at The Ranfurly Home for Children.
This is just the latest project undertaken at the home by the club. Last year a donation of $10,000 was made to Ranfurly's new roof campaign.
See the photo album section of this website for more pictures.
Rotary Has HeartOn Valentines Day RCEN participated in the Rotary Zones 33-34 Rotary Has Heart initiative to feed children. We partnered with Laura's soup kitchen off Kemp Road to feed the children before school.
Burns Night Raises Funds For ScholarshipsOn January 25th, the Rotary Club of East Nassau celebrated the life and work of Scottish poet Robert Burns and at the same time raised funds for the East Nassau Rotary Club Foundation which provides partial scholarships for Bahamian students to continue their education both at home and abroad.
RCEN Donates to Junior Baseball![]() The Rotary Club of East Nassau recently donated $1,500 to the Junior Baseball League of Nassau to pay registration fees for 15 girls who would otherwise not have been able to afford to play.
Rotarians Support Race For The Cure![]() Rotarians and their family members joined the Susan G Komen "Race For The Cure" on January 18th and took the opportunity to celebrate three years of no new polio cases in India and publicise the End Polio Now campaign.
Notes of RCEN meeting of October 4th, 2013Call to Order: President Phil
Invocation: Keith Sands
Visiting Rotarians: This week we had the pleasure of AG Karen Pinder, PP Harry Kemp from West Nassau, Adrian Forsythe from East Nassau Rotaract and Barbara Ernie from Georgia. Barbara told us that she was from a small club that met near the mountains of Georgia and despite their size they were able to provide many scholarships.
Sgt. at Arms: IPP Geoff Andrews, happy to be back at the podium, started out at the Pearly Gates and ended up counting ‘1234’ in the bedroom. Fines issued for latecomers and pinless Rotarians.
Member Birthdays:
Brown Robert Oct 1
Joseph John Oct 9
Wedding Anniversaries
Pinder Michael and Judy Oct 2 9 years
Lotmore Robert and Deborah Oct 3 21 years
Andrews Phil and Silvinia Oct 5 22 years
Club Anniversaries
Bischoff Carol Oct 7 2 years
Inductions: The Club welcomes Kristy Kemp sponsored by John Robertson and Karen Smollet sponsored by Jonathan Pinder.
-President Phil thanked Dino Mosko for fixing the gavel and Rotary Charter.
-Reminder of BED RACE for POLIO on Saturday Oct 5. Judging of beds at 11am (see photo album at the end of this Axis).
-Inner Wheel ‘Pretty in Pink Party’ Event at John Bull Store on Bay Street Oct 16, 6pm-8pm.
-Barry Rassin announced that he and Esther will be the AIDES to The PRESIDENT of ROTARY INTERNATIONAL. CONGRATULATIONS Barry and Esther! We still remain very unclear as to your duties.
Guest Speaker: MAGAN TROTTIER of Toronto, Canada, was introduced by Elmer Lowe. She is a Board Certified Genetic Counselor with the Bahamas Breast Cancer Initiative Foundation. She has a Masters degree in genetic counseling from the University of Toronto.
The Bahamas Breast Cancer Initiative Foundation (BBCIF) is a public-private partnership that was formed in Nassau, The Bahamas, in April 2008. The Bahamas Breast Cancer Initiative sprung from the observations, commitment and dedication of The US Embassy, a group of Bahamian, American and Canadian Professionals, Medical Oncologists, Radiologists, and Survivors, united in their determination to improve breast cancer care in The Bahamas.
The missions of the BBCIF is to
-Increase awareness about breast cancer and early detection through continuous public education and programs encouraging good diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
-Promote early detection of breast cancer by advocating mammograms, clinical breast examinations and monthly breast self-exams.
-Establish National guidelines for breast cancer screening in The Bahamas recommended by the Ministry of Health.
-Create a Patient Navigation Program tailored to the needs of The Bahamian women which will assist them in receiving proper treatment and care.
-Conduct medical research and translate results into breast cancer treatment and protection for the benefit of all Bahamian women.
The current BBCIF program offers genetic testing and counseling to all newly diagnosed women with breast cancer and ovarian cancer in The Bahamas. In addition, testing is offered to unaffected relatives of women who are found to carry a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene. Ongoing studies are designed to determine the risk of hereditary breast cancer in women in the Bahamian population.
Research has shown:
-48% of the women diagnosed with breast cancer in The Bahamas are under the age of 50.
-20% of the women diagnosed with breast cancer in The Bahamas are under the age of 40.
-42 is the average age of the women diagnosed with breast cancer in The Bahamas.
-44% of the women diagnosed with breast cancer in the Bahamas present with late Stage 3 or late stage 4 breast cancer.
The mutations of the BRACA1 and BRACA2 genes seem to be more prevalent in Eleuthera, Grand Bahama,
Abaco, Andros, Cat Island and Exuma.
As a result of the partnerships, gene testing costs have come down considerably but the results still take 6-9 months. More information can be found on their website at
Vote of Thanks: JR Bosclair on behalf of the Rotarians and visitors
Adjournment: Pres. Phil ended the meeting with the toast to RATW.
Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of September 27th, 2013Rotaract of East Nassau hosted the meeting.
Call to Order:
President of Rotaract East Nassau, Taran MacKey called the meeting to order.
Ralpha Moxey gave the invocation which was well received.
To our Queen and to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Visiting Rotarians:
Several visitors from Nassau Sunrise, Magnal Thompson, Diana Miller and Emerika Robinson.
Honorary Members:
None today
Member Guests:
There were, as usual, a good number of guests introduced, including Karen Smollett, Alan Burrows and Britney Seymour. I didn’t catch them all !
All visitors and guests were welcomed, with warm applause.
None today
Sergeant at Arms:
Jamie Lewis (PP Rotaract) was not surprised by the smattering of applause received on his arrival at the podium. In response he told some poor jokes which did not encourage any better applause. Various fines were bravely administered including one for Jean-Marc Fellay for being in the paper this week. The SaA left the podium eager to leave the ‘hot seat’ and collect the fines!
Member Birthdays:
Nelson O’Kelley, Sept 28th
Robert Brown, Oct 1st
Partner Birthdays:
Wedding Anniversaries:
Michael and Judy Pinder, 9 years Oct 2nd
Robert and Deborah Lotmore, 21 years Oct 3rd
Kelly Anne Smith – Dollars for Scholars luncheon and fashion show, with raffle, in aid of the Doctors Hospital Dr Meyer Rassin Foundation : Weds Oct 16th at Luciano’s of Chicago, 12 noon to 2.30pm , $75/ticket
Barry Rassin stressed the importance of this foundation having already assisted 35 scholars this year in healthcare careers (60 current medical vacancies at the hospital). Britney, a new graduate, also said a few words of thanks and gave testimony to the value of this support.
Novalette Cambridge continued the message from President Phil of make-ups for Sept. and stressed the deadline of 1st October.
Davin Lakin pushed for helpers on Sat 30th Sept for Thelma Gibson Primary School project to touch up the playground structures including painting and repairing a few benches….
Joanne Smith reminded the meeting of the upcoming Rotary Bed Race for Polio at the Mall at Marathon on 5th Oct and request for any designs for t-shirts.
Geoff Andrews (PP) reminded the meeting of the upcoming Foundation month in November and push for Paul Harris fellowships.
Taran MacKey gave 2 short messages from President Phil re: letter of thanks from Jokobi for scholarship support , and reminder of tickets for sale for the West Nassau 43 years celebration.
New Members:
None today
Speaker for the day:
Puppy Robinson introduced the speaker Gevon Moss from the Downtown Nassau Partnership. His particular speciality is Economics and Political Science.
Nassau is being revitalized downtown to attract both tourists and locals. The intent is also to extend the area in which tourists would visit for the day, prioritizing 10 attractions and things to do in the area. This will be done in conjunction with the Downtown Bar & Restaurant Association.
Phase 1a is Pompey Square which is almost complete including ongoing management and maintenance, and attracting events to be hosted there.
Phase 1b is initiatives downtown for adding planting, street furniture, drainage/sidewalks/litter control, and pedestrian areas.
Phase 2 is for other downtown projects; Phase 3 for transportation and East of East St redevelopment; Phase 4 for Central Park.
Many questions were fielded – main concerns were around the threat of the Carnival cruise company proposal to take visitors to their private island which would seriously impact the economic survival of downtown, and also the need to remove jitney traffic (and pollution), vagrants and crime. The final issue of parking facilities was raised but there are few options available – street metering may be piloted - and private investment will be needed for any serious car parking solution.
Vote of Thanks:
Puppy Robinson thanked Gevon for the informative presentation.
Final Toast To
Editor John Palmer
Back at Thelma Gibson.........![]() Members of the Rotary Club of East Nassau participated in an ongoing community service project at the Thelma Gibson Primary School in Elizabeth Estates on Saturday.
The project, which initially started in 2010/11 saw the club renovate the schools play area and install many planters, small trees and a vegetable garden.
Under the watchful eye of Community Service Director, Davin Lakin, club members spent the morning with paint brushes and power tools in hand freshening up the play area and enjoying each others company.
See more photo's from the project in the photo album section of this website,
Notes for “The Axis” RCEN meeting of August 30, 2013Call to Order:
President Philip called the meeting to order.
Tanya McCartney gave the invocation which was well received.
To our Queen and to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Visiting Rotarians:
Werner Gruner read the list : Carol Kewley and Barry Baxter from Deal in Kent, UK, and Puppy Robinson with Anna Hanson from Rotaract East Nassau.
Honorary Members:
None today
Member Guests:
There were, as usual, a good number of guests introduced, including Robert Paisley, Mike Colbrook, Christie Kemp and Ros Brand. I didn’t catch them all !
All visitors and guests were welcomed, with warm applause.
Carol Kewley visiting from Deal in Kent presented their banner and was very happy to be visiting East Nassau club while on a diving holiday.
Sergeant at Arms:
The seemingly always happy Adam Darville – Past President - was not overwhelmed by the smattering of applause received on his arrival at the podium. This seemingly led to him levying a lot of fines….culminating in an extraordinary fine for Barry Rassin. After his cheery introduction of “due to a power cut there is no light at the end of the tunnel” he pinned all his hopes on a joke about the Government and prophylactics … very thin ice. Our SaA left the podium eager to collect the fines!
Member Birthdays:
Kahlil Parker – Sept 3
Partner Birthdays:
Anton Sealey, spouse of Hope Sealey, Sept 3
Wedding Anniversaries:
Jonathan Pinder – announced a night out Saturday Aug 31st organized by our Rotaract Club of East Nassau. The plan is to meet at The Green Parrot at Hurricane Hole on P.I. then leave for the Joker's Wild Comedy Club at Atlantis for the 9:30 pm show.
Diane DeWitt - Rotary Junior Regatta event details:
Jason Robertson – awarded 100% attendance pins to Davin Lakin (1yr) and Robin Brownrigg (27yrs) – well done to both.
Elmer Lowe – emphasized the need for all members to complete the ‘home directions’ on the Clubrunner website either directly or through him, and handed out forms to complete for those who could offer practical support and equipment for emergency response if required. Email Elmer if you were not at this meeting but can assist.
Pres. Phil - 3 messages :
(1) Reminded everyone of the importance of ‘make-ups’ if meetings are not attended. July attendance was only 79% and August estimate is 72%. There are several events and activities ongoing so support these and make-up!
(2) There is a new venue, due to high numbers, for the new members training morning on 31st August now at Holy Cross Church, Soldier Road.
(3) Chaser for help with selling Red Cross raffle tickets at Mall at Marathon on 31st August – particularly for the 1-3pm slot.
New Members:
Pres. Phil then had great pleasure of inducting 2 new members – Rosalyn Brown (introduced by Jonathan Pinder) and Keith Sands (introduced by Peter Andrews) – and they were warmly welcomed by round of applause as they received their new pins.
Speaker for the day:
Barry Rassin introduced the speakers from the Medical Fitness Center at Blake Road - : Sharad Johnson - Exercise Specialist, Sasha Ferguson - Exercise Specialist, Donovan Ingraham – Nutritionist, and Virginia Chan.
Barry outlined the ever growing list of facilities and services being provided by Doctors Hospital for the whole spectrum of needs and anti-ageing.
The Fitness Center provides motivation and inspiration to those who join – membership is subject to a health assessment so each individual is aware of their particular needs. The focus is on clinical health and fitness in a proactive manner. Programs are tailored to each person and facilities are available for body analysis and progress measurement. There is also a heated pool and sauna for special treatments.
Most deaths in the Bahamas, around 74%, are due to non-clinical reasons and dietary control is a prime target e.g. we should have 5 servings per day of fruit and fresh vegetables. This will improve lifestyle and promote a longer, healthier life.
The Center also provides a Corporate wellness service for the workplace, with biometric screening for each employee. This effectively leads to higher productivity and reduces lost time and cost of absenteeism.
The overall mission of living longer and living well was obviously well received.
Vote of Thanks:
Nelson O’Kelley thanked the team for the informative presentations and awarded the customary certificates to all.
Final Toast To
Editor John Palmer
East Nassau at the Colour RunEast Nassau Rotarians, Rotaracators and Interactors were out on force on Saturday volunteering and participating at the inaugural Run242 Colour Run. This fun, untimed 5k run/walk, which benefitted both the Rotary and Rotaract clubs of East Nassau was the first of it's kind in Nassau and attracted over 330 participants of all ages. A great time was had by all and the next colour is sure to be even bigger and better! |
District Foundation Chairman Lindsey Receives Humanitarian AwardRotary International Foundation Chairman for District 7020, Lindsey Cancino, was recently recognized for his years of service to Rotary with the award of the Sir Durward Knowles Humanitarian Recognition. The award, which includes a donation of $2,500 being made in his name to the East Nassau Rotary Scholarship Foundation, was made at the recent RCEN changeover event at Palm Cay. |
New MembersThe Rotary Club of East Nassau has three fabulous new members as of last week. Inducted March 1 were John Joseph, Richard Tighe and Sashane McDonald. In the attached photo you will see them in the middle of the group: Kahil, Philip, Richard, John, Sashane, Royann, and Geoff |
Rotary v Rotaract Smackdown![]() The annual Battle of East Nassau softball match between Rotary and Rotaract ended in controversy last Sunday as the question of who actually won was left unresolved. Initially scheduled for six innings, match umpire Francisco DeCardenas took it upon himself, with Rotary firmly in charge at that stage, to extend the match to nine innings. Inevitably Rotaract's youth began to tell and they rallied in the latter stages to complete an impressive comeback. As always the game was played in fine sporting spirit, though there was a competitive edge evident, never more so than when Phil Andrews tried to knock over a girl (pictured). So while the bragging rights may still be up for grabs, there was one clear winner as it was agreed that the loser would donate $500 to the Rotary Foundation. Now, where's the money coming from? See more photo's in the gallery section. |
RCEN Burns Supper![]() The Rotary Club of East Nassau kicked off our 50th anniversary year and celebrated the life and work of Scottish poet Robert Burns on Saturday with a Burns Supper at the Nassau Yacht Club. The night, which included the traditional haggis, bagpipes and whisky, also raised funds for the RCEN Scholarship Foundation. More pictures can be seen in the photo album in Clubrunner. |
‘Tis the season to be jollyRCEN has been keeping Christmas traditions alive this month with a number of regular events taking place. Our hamburger van did brisk trade at the Ebeneezer Church Fair on December 1st and a strong showing from the club attended the same venue on December 6th to serve Christmas dinner for the elderly and needy. Next on the calendar was bell ringing for the Salvation Army on December 8th, the second leg of which takes place this Saturday, December 15th, so be sure to book your spot on the roster. Today also saw our club host the annual Christmas Party at the Bahamas Association for the Physically Disabled, an organisation which we have been supporting for a number of years.
Meet RI President Sakuji Tanaka |
The Future of Rotary |
Date change for Rotary Golf Tournament![]() Due to the general election on May 7, the Rotary Club of East Nassau & The Scout Association of The Bahamas’ 26th Annual Charity Golf Tournament has been rescheduled for Monday May 21 at the Ocean Club Golf Course on Paradise Island. This event has been one of the Rotary club’s primary fundraising activities for the past 25 years, consistently raising more than $110,000 each year from entry fees and sponsorships to aid The Scout Association and other worthwhile charities supported by East Nassau Rotary.
East Nassau Lights Atlantis on Rotary's Birthday |
World Polio Day |
President Joanne's "RCEN Year In Review"![]() Fellow Rotarians and Guests, Rotary Year 2010-11 was a productive and award-winning year for the Rotary Club of East Nassau as we did our best to fulfill the mandate of RI President Ray Klinginsmith to help Build Communities and Bridge Continents. Our efforts were recognised with the Club of the Month Award for November from the Rotary Foundation, and a District Governor Platinum Award as a finale. We also received a Presidential Citation with Distinction from Rotary International. |
2011 Harbourside Marine Bahamas Rotary Tuna Classic Press Release![]()
“Attaining its 10th year of successful angling for charity – The Harbourside Marine - Bahamas Rotary Tuna Classic expands its reach to include Abaco and South Eleuthera for June 11-12 2011. Registration has begun
Rotaract East Nassau Sponsors Youth Soccer![]() The Rotaract Club of East Nassau, a community service organization comprised of young professionals, recently directly impacted the lives of six children by enabling them to continue playing the sport that they love. |
Grand Bahama Water Project Complete! |
East Nassau Rotary Club Foundation![]() The East Nassau Rotary Club Foundation was established in 1995 to help achieve nationwide understanding and peace through humanitarian, educational and cultural exchange programmes. Based on the principle that charity begins at home, the Foundation compliments the work of the rotary International Foundation, one of the worlds largest philanthropic organisations. |
Rotary Clubs of The Bahamas Bed Race![]()
Rotary Clubs of the Bahamas have been meeting to organize their first Rotary Bed Race for Polio. The Bed Race will take place on Saturday, January 22, 2011 at the Mall at Marathon and will raise funds for polio eradication, a Rotary International initiative. A new study just released supports Rotary’s initial investment and continued commitment to eradicating polio worldwide, estimating that eight million cases of life-long paralysis will be prevented, and a savings of US$40 to $50 billion over the next 25 years.
Lessons in Literacy Donation![]()
President Joanne and IPP Michele are pictured here with teachers and students of TG Glover School after making a Lessons In Literacy books donation to the school on behalf of RCEN.
NOVEMBER 2010 C L U B O F T H E M O N T H ! ! ! ! ! |
See a video for World Polio Day |
Project Read Steak Out and WorkshopEast Nassau Rotarians were out in force on Saturday 2nd October in support of the annual Project Read Steak Out. Photo's of the event can be seen in the photo album section of our website ( It is estimated that 1 in 4 Bahamians cannot read to a standard that allows them to function properly in our society. On Saturday 16th October Project Read will be holding a workshop for those interested in volunteering their services as tutors at their headquarters on Village Road. The workshop will run from 9am to 4.30pm and will focus on the Laubach Way to Reading. |
East Nassau & Missouri Rotarians Lend a hand to Project Read!![]() DISTRICT 7020 AND 6110 PARTNER TO IMPROVE ADULT LITERACY CENTER IN A |
Rotary Club of East Nassau donates $10,000 to Project Read Bahamas in Celebration of International Literacy Day![]()
The Rotary Club of East Nassau recently presented $10,000 to Project Read Bahamas to assist Bahamians with living a normal life by learning how to read. The donation was part of the Rotary Club’s celebration for International Literacy Day, September 8.
RCEN In The NewsThe Rotary Club of East Nassau was in the news recently, thanking all the sponsors and participants in the latest RCEN & Harbourside Marine Tuna Classic fishing tournament.
Rotarian of the Year!Past President Joanne Smith was named as the Rotary Club of East Nassau's Rotarian of the Year at the recent changeover event at Palm Cay. In making the presentation, outgoing President Geoff Andrews noted that Joanne exemplifies the motto Service Over Self by being involved in just about everything that the club does and made special mention of the Burns Supper fellowship night and the clubs 50th Anniversary celebration and magazine which she was instrumental in. Congratulations Joanne on a well deserved award. |
27th Annual Golf Tournament![]() RCEN in conjunction with the Scout Association of The Bahamas held their 27th annual charity golf tournament on Monday. 100 golfers took part in the tournament and a great showing of volunteers from both RCEN and the Scouts ensured it was another fun day for all involved. See the photo gallery section of the website for more images from the day. |
Our Club is turning 50!!!!!![]() |
Donation to the Ranfurly Home![]() The Rotary Club of East Nassau presented a cheque for $10,000 to assist with the renovation of the Ranfurly Homes roof recently. Thanks to the generous support of numerous sponsors of their various fundraising efforts the home now has a much needed new roof. Pictured are Past District Governor, John Robertson , Alexander Roberts of the Ranfurly Homes, Assistant District Governor Lindsey Cancino, and RCEN President Geoff Andrews. |
RCEN donates to local youth program![]()
President Geoff is pictured making a donation of $500 to the Heat Lion Heart Amateur Boxing Federation, an association giving youth's the opportunity to channel their energies in sport in a safe environment.
Stacy joins us from Rotaract![]()
Friday was a special day for RCEN as we welcomed Stacy Lubin-Gray into our membership. Stacy, who was introduced by PDG John Robertson, has been an active member of the Rotaract Club of East Nassau Nassau since 2010 and is sure to be a fantastic addition to our club.
RCEN Welcomes Juan....![]()
We are delighted to welcome Juan Iglesias to the RCEN family. Juan was inducted on on Friday after being sponsored by Werner Gurner, himself a relatively new recruit.
Message from Adam Darville, RCEN President 2011-12![]() The Rotary year 2011/12 has been a productive and busy year for the Rotary Club of East Nassau. RI President Kalyan Banerjee set the course with his theme for the year “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity”, indeed a powerful theme and one we strived to live this Rotary year. |
26th Annual Golf Tournament![]() Rain couldn’t dampen the spirits of participants in the 26th annual Rotary Club of East Nassau and Scout Association of the Bahamas golf tournament which was held at the Ocean Club Golf Course, Paradise Island. |
MEDICAL SUPPLY COMPANY PORTS INTERNATIONAL DONATES VENTILATOR TO ROTARY FOR HAITI HOSPITALPremature neonates can now breathe easy thanks to the generous donation of a ventilator made by medical supply and equipment company Ports International. The Bear Cub 750 Ventilator was donated to the Rotary Club of East Nassau and Rotary International District 7020 for the Hospital Bernard Mevs in Haiti. The donation is to the Rotary District 7020 long term disaster relief efforts for Haiti, as they are still recovering from the devastating 7.0 earthquake in 2010. |
Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre Donation![]()
Rotary Club of East Nassau President Adam Darville joined fellow Community Service Committee members Gavin Christie, Chairman and Past President Michele Rassin to present essential medical supplies and equipment to Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre.
Four Way Test Computer Wallpaper / Screensaver![]() Vocational Service, one of Rotary's Avenues of Service, encourages Rotarians to serve others through their professions and to practice high ethical standards. Rotarians, as business leaders, share skills and expertise through their vocations and inspire others in the process. And this desktop 4-Way Test is a reminder of that ethical code of conduct. Please dwonload and use it as your computer wallpaper or screensaver today and every day! |
Community Service In Action![]() Saturday August 7th saw RCEN in action with the Fox Hill Run in the morning followed by a raffle selling session for the Red Cross in the afternoon. |
Rotary partners with Amazon, offers 15 percent off![]() Rotary has partnered with Amazon Services to launch the new website on 1 July. The site features Rotary publications, videos, and other resources aimed at helping Rotarians in their service and spreading the word about Rotary. |
Eradicating polio is the world's obligation![]() Rotary's promise to eradicate polio worldwide took center stage during the 2010 RI Convention in Montréal, Québec, Canada, as Rotarians were urged to finish the task the organization began 25 years ago. |
Montréal convention inspires, entertains![]() More than 18,000 Rotarians from 154 countries and geographical areas left the 2010 RI Convention in Montréal, Québec, Canada, on 23 June after being challenged to finish the job of eradicating polio and reminded that their efforts are making a difference, even when the results aren't immediately apparent. |
East Rotaract named Club of the Year!![]()
The club sponsored by RCEN, the Rotaract Club of East Nassau, was named the Club of the Year at the recently held District 7020 Rotaract District Conference in Montego Bay. Incoming Secretary, Iona Henderson, enthusiastically accepts the award from DG Errol and DRR Randy Burgess.
Investing less than US$2 a week changes lives![]()
A child bathes in Río Bajabonico in La Grúa, Dominican Republic. Rotary club members have helped install 19,000 bio-sand filters, which make water safe to drink, through the Rotarian-led Children's Safe Water Alliance. Rotary Images/Alyce Henson
Rotarian Bill Pollard shares his EREY story![]() "Supporting The Rotary Foundation is the least I can do for everything Rotary has done for me." -- Bill Pollard,past governor of District 7600 (Virginia, USA) |
RCEN Fishing Tournament Auction![]()
Renowned local artist Thierry Lamare has donated a special painting to our tournament which we are auctioning off online.
Gates encourages Rotarians to keep up fight against polio |
Online Contribution Forms |
Rotary Leader launches in April |
Rotarians witness chaos in Haiti![]() By Ryan Hyland As president of the Rotary Club of Houston, it had been Michelle Bohreer's dream to travel to Haiti and conduct a service project to improve the lives of children there. On 12 January, 45 minutes into a weeklong trip to Port-au-Prince to do just that, the dream quickly spiraled into a nightmare. |
Help Rotary grow and create a better future![]() During its June meeting, the Rotary International Board of Directors adopted a new membership slogan, " Each Rotarian: Reach One, Keep One ." The slogan emphasizes the importance of both recruitment and retention in sustaining and increasing membership. |
Polio, Future Vision, donations top Fdn's list![]()
Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair-elect Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar outlined four goals for the 2010-11 Rotary year: PolioPlus, implementing the Future Vision pilot, rebuilding the Annual Programs Fund through Every Rotarian, Every Year, and continuing to build the Permanent Fund
Klinginsmith reveals 2010-11 presidential emphases |
Rotary 201-11 Theme Announced |
Social networks help find thousands of Rotarians |
Foundation makes Rotary’s work possible![]() January is Rotary Awareness Month – a time to learn more about our organization, and a time to focus on our public image. Raising awareness of Rotary is an important part of the RI Strategic Plan: The more Rotary is known for its good work, the more good work Rotary will be able to do. |
Top 10 Rotary stories of 2009![]() From a dazzling performance by violin virtuoso Itzhak Perlman to an additional US$255 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the year 2009 was an eventful one for Rotary and its campaign to rid the world of polio. The Perlman concert, held 2 December in New York City, along with hundreds of Rotary club and district fundraisers throughout the year, helped push Rotary beyond the halfway mark in raising $200 million in response to the Gates Foundation grants. As the new year dawns, we look back over these and other memorable moments of 2009 with our top 10 list of Rotary news events. |
What is our Foundation doing |
How polio affected their lives![]() By Antoinette Tuscano Historically, polio has been one of the greatest causes of disability. Polio survivors and their families know all too well how the disease attacks the motor neurons of the brainstem, causing breathing difficulty and sometimes death. Some know what it's like to spend years, and maybe a lifetime, recovering from the disease. |
Historic Moments: Women in Rotary![]() By Susan Hanf and Donna Polydoros The 1989 Council on Legislation vote to admit women into Rotary clubs worldwide remains a watershed moment in the history of Rotary. |
Child mortality rate drops worldwide![]()
Improved antimalaria measures and simple health practices have contributed to the decline of child deaths worldwide, according to a report released by UNICEF in September.
East Nassau Joins the Facebook Revolution! |
East Nassau has a Blog!!![]()
Check out our new Blog at
Itzhak Perlman concert to benefit polio eradicatio![]() In a one-night-only performance, violinist and polio survivor Itzhak Perlman will perform with the New York Philharmonic at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City on Wednesday, 2 December, 7:30 p.m. |
Rotary, Google join forces![]()
Rotary has teamed up with Google to make nearly 100 years of The Rotarian available free online.
Banerjee is choice for 2011-12 RI president![]()
The RI President for 2001-12 chosen by the RI nominating committee, is Kalyan Banerjee. Find out more about him below.
Scholar takes part in immunization effort in India![]()
Most Ambassadorial Scholars wait until their scholarship year to get involved in service projects through Rotary. Not Esha Chhabra.
A People's Man
embed>value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></
Reach One, Keep One![]() By Jennifer Lee Atkin The RI Board of Directors adopted a new membership slogan, "Each Rotarian: Reach One, Keep One," at its June meeting. The slogan emphasizes the need for Rotarians to focus on both recruitment and retention in their membership growth efforts. |
Working as a family to meet Rotary's challenge![]()
Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge for polio eradication is drawing broad support from the family of Rotary. The challenge is Rotary's response to the $355 million in grants received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Rotary is committed to raising $200 million in matching funds by 30 June 2012.
New Year, New President![]()
As Rotary Year 2008-09 officially ends and President Brian puts his Gaelic dictionary back on the shelf and returns to attempting to put his DG Appreciation gift back together, RCEN welcomes its first female president; Michele Rassin!
Thanks for the great year Brian and now Michele, let's get the party started!
Early Registration for the 2010 Convention |
Goodall finds common ground with RotaryDr. Jane Goodall, the renowned primatologist and humanitarian, addressed the fourth plenary session of the 2009 RI Convention in Birmingham, England, on 24 June, stressing the potential for using the common ground her organization shares with Rotary to effect change. |
Klinginsmith elected RI president for 2010-11![]()
Ray Klinginsmith, of the Rotary Club of Kirksville, Missouri, USA, was elected as president of Rotary International for 2010-11 by delegates during the fourth plenary session at the 2009 RI Convention in Birmingham, England.
Farrow speaks out on polio, Darfur |
Holocaust Survivor's Story![]() By Ryan Hyland Holocaust survivor says joining Rotary best decision of his life. |
Purple Pinkie passion drives end-polio fundraisers |
Why we need to finish the job![]() Past district governor recalls experience with polio By Jennifer Lee Atkin |
Deadline for Early Bird Discount - March 31st![]()
Mia Farrow, actor and children's rights advocate, and Jane Goodall, renowned primatologist, are set to speak during convention plenary sessions.
Rotaract In The News![]()
The Rotaract Club of East Nassau teams up with The National Trust in promoting the use of reusable bags in the community.
Click here for the full article from |
Rotary's $200 Million ChallengeRotary International, Gates Foundation, United Kingdom, and Germany pledge critically needed funds and urge donor and endemic country governments to help end crippling childhood disease
2009-10 Rotary Theme![]()
The 2009-10 RI theme acknowledges the important role individual Rotary clubs will play in shaping the future of Rotary. RI President-elect John Kenny unveiled the theme, The Future of Rotary Is in Your Hands, on Monday during the opening plenary session of the International Assembly , an annual training event in San Diego, California, USA, for incoming district governors. |
The Rotaract Club of East Nassau![]() Check out the following link to our latest sponsored club, The Rotaract Club of East Nassau and see what our latest addition is up to. |
Impact of Financial Crisis on Rotary |
Life's Transition - Help from Rotary![]() By: Deandre Williamson
September 27, 2008
Deandra tells her story of how assistance from our very own East Nassau Foundation changed her life.
Won't you consider supporting it? See PP Clifford Culmer or PP Everod Peart for details. |
G8 renews commitments to polio eradication |
Changes to Member Access Online
Access to the http:/ member access has changed effective July 1st, 2008.
Message from the President |
John Kenny elected as 2009-10 RI president![]()
John Kenny, elected as the 2009-10 RI president, told Rotarians at the convention that it was special honor to be the first Rotarian from Scotland to be president in the history of Rotary.
2008 Convention Highlights![]()
At Los Angeles convention, stars become aligned to end polio; our literacy focus helps set a new world record and more......
RCEN Members participate in NID in IndiaIn February, a team from 7020 led by our own PDG John Robertson, travelled to India to participate in a National Immunization Day (NID). Read about it in the journal located at and see their picture album at the following link; |
The Book Lady![]()
olly Parton sits behind a stack of children's books at her Inca Hoots studio complex on the south side of |
For Rotaract, life begins at 40![]()
In March 1968, the Rotaract Club of |
Lee asks Rotarians to 'Make Dreams Real' for world![]()
RI President-elect Dong Kurn Lee announces the 2008-09 RI theme, Make Dreams Real, to incoming district governors at the 2008 International Assembly.
Spread the Word!![]()
Rotarians are strongly encouraged to share the news of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's US$100 million challenge grant to Rotary International with their local media.
Rotary, UN celebrate common goals |
RI President: Take part in Foundation month![]() RI President Wilfrid J. Wilkinson asks Rotarians to reach new heights of service by contributing to The Rotary Foundation. |
PolioPlus Update
Singer Beyoncé Knowles immunizes Ethiopian children against polio
![]() |
Tropical Storm Noel![]()
Tropical Storm NOEL threatens Bahamas Islands
The final effects are now going through Abaco.
Rotary to receive UN Assoc. Humanitarian Award![]()
The United Nations Association of New York will honor Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation of RI with its 2007 Humanitarian Award on 25 October, in recognition of Rotary's significant efforts to provide safe water and sanitation and its commitment to sustainable development worldwide.
RLI Training Cruise![]()
The Sunshine Division of the Rotary Leadership Institute is putting on RLI SESSIONS AT SEA, March 3rd - 7th, 2008 on board Royal Caribbean's Majesty of the Seas. A must for those interested in learning more about Rotary. See for more details.
Online tool kit helps turn schools into stars![]() In honor of International Literacy Day on 8 September, Rotary International and the International Reading Association developed Every School a Star, a Web-based resource designed to help Rotary clubs and reading councils carry out literacy projects. |
The Magic of Rotary![]() DG Dick presents a 2008 District 7020 T-Shirt to RI President Wilfred "Wilf" Wilkinson at the RI Presidential Membership Conference held in Ft. Lauderdale Aug. 24-25, 2007. The theme of the conference AND next year's district conference; The Magic of Rotary. In attendance from RCEN: Pres. Dino, PP Lindsey Cancino and Immediate PAG Murray Forde. |
The Four-Way Test means business![]()
Rotary's gold standard of ethics builds friendships, attracts customers - and helps club members sleep at night
Got ethics? |
The Rotary Bunch |
Foundation leadership changes![]()
Trustee Vice Chair Robert S. Scott, of the Rotary Club of Cobourg, Ontario, Canada, will be trustee chair from 1 August through 30 June 2008.
Membership |
Dive into a Rotary Fellowship |
Number one job: recruit![]() It seems that one of the easiest things to do as a Rotarian is to recruit new club members. After all, what could be simpler than inviting someone to your club's next meeting? But sometimes it's not that easy. So for inspiration and motivation, here are some winning tips, including real-life examples of what has worked and what some clubs are hoping will work, as well as one report of a secret poker game somewhere in New Hampshire. |
Financial Times AccoladesRotary ranked among top five NGOs for corporate partnerships |
The Wilkinson way |
New Attendance Make-up Reporting![]() Jillian Gibson, RCEN attendance chair for 2007-08 has set up a dedicated email address for reporting make-ups (or anything to do with attendance for that matter). Please make a note of it and remember to send make-ups here from now on. |
New e-mail scam targets Rotarians![]() Unfortunately a recent e-mail scam, and some other forms of Internet fraud, have been targeting Rotarians and misusing Rotary information. |
Final plenary inspires Rotarians to serve![]()
Salt Lake City - On the last day of the 2007 Rotary Convention, the plenary session showcased the variety of service opportunities Rotarians enjoy, from working on grassroots projects to serving at the highest levels of Rotary International's leadership.
Gates asks Rotarians to think big and reach out![]() Praising Rotarians for their "mind-boggling efforts" to "dramatically change millions and millions of lives," honorary Rotarian William Gates Sr. called on Rotarians to "think big" and finish the job of polio eradication. |
Polio Eradication Update![]()
Despite tremendous progress in reducing the incidence of polio, it still exists. Polio will continue to threaten children everywhere as long as it exists somewhere. In this age of global travel, a new outbreak of polio might only be a plane ride away.
Foundation enjoys record year![]() |
The Future Vision of The Rotary Foundation |
RI membership Dues Revised![]() |
Bill's Messages |
Membership Conferences Will Jump Start Growth![]() |
Giving is hope in action |
Matching Grant Project with 6990 & 5280
Click the play button below to see the World Water Presentation of our Grand Bahama Water Project
Celebrate World Water Day |
Popular service project guides revamped![]() Rotary's favorite service guides have been recently revised to provide clubs with the latest resources to help plan service projects. A new service kit bundles together updated versions of Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Service (605A) and the Menu of Service Opportunities (605B) as well as a new addition to Rotary's service library, Community Assessment Tools (605C). |
Miss and make up![]()
So, you've traveled halfway around the world, and now you want to attend a club meeting to get to know local Rotarians? The following article details all you need to do.
A conversation with Wilfrid J. Wilkinson![]() When Wilfrid J. Wilkinson joined the Rotary Club of Trenton, Ont., Canada, in 1962, his club focused on quiet local service. But he soon attended his first RI Convention, where he was inspired by Rotary's international scope. Four decades and numerous RI and Foundation positions later, he's poised to take on his biggest job yet: RI president. He unveils the theme he's chosen, Rotary Shares, in this chat with Editor in Chief Vince Aversano. |
Rotarians chart ways to address calamitiesA disaster response workshop in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, attracted more than 200 participants, many of them Rotarians with experience in providing emergency relief and rebuilding communities in distress. Senior Rotary leaders, including RI President William B. Boyd and RI President-elect Wilfrid J. Wilkinson, also attended. |
RSS: A new way to get your Rotary news![]() Rotary International News
Get Rotary International news delivered to your personalized Web news reader or club home page through the new RSS news feed at |
Theme announced for the 2007-08 Rotary year![]() 29 January 2007 The 2007-08 theme Rotary Shares will act as a daily reminder of what ordinary people can accomplish through the extraordinary work of Rotary, said RI President-elect Wilfrid J. Wilkinson at the 2007 International Assembly's opening session today. |
Foundation enjoying 'greatest moment,' says Giay![]() The Rotary Foundation has surpassed its 2006-07 goals, garnering recognition for its credibility and reliability, said Trustee Chair Luis Vicente Giay yesterday at the 2007 International Assembly in San Diego. "There's no question about this - our Foundation is enjoying the greatest moment in its history," said Giay. |
2007 District 7020 Conference - Grand Cayman |
Talk to us![]()
We're looking for Rotarian readers who have experience with the following topics. Do you fit the bill?
Past RI Director Santos diesPast RI Director Sabino "Benny" S. Santos, who served on the RI Board during 1989-91, died on 17 January. A member of the Rotary Club of Malolos, Philippines, Santos also served RI as Rotary Foundation Trustee, district governor, committee member, and International Assembly discussion leader. |
Mia Farrow uses her star power to shine a light on |
Boyd receives royal award![]() Great Britain's Queen Elizabeth II recently bestowed Rotary International President William B. Boyd with the Companion of the Queen's Service Order Award. |
Annan praises Rotary's leadership in global polio![]() |
RI Receives AABB Award
Rotary International Receives Outstanding Achievement Award as an Organization That Promotes and Supports Voluntary Blood Donations
A taste of the lighter side of Rotary![]() |
The Rotarian Photo Contest![]()
Point. Shoot. Compete.
How do you picture Service Above Self? The Rotarian wants to see Rotary's motto through your lens.
Five reasons to attend the 2007 RI Convention![]() |
E-Learning![]() |
Focus on the children![]() |
Service to the letter![]() |
Rassin named RI director![]()
Barry Rassin, of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, Bahamas, is replacing Rotary International Director Milton O. Jones, who resigned for health reasons effective 15 October.
Rotary clubs reduce pain of hunger![]()
Eradicating extreme hunger and poverty tops the list of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals. In addition, eliminating hunger is one of RI President Bill Boyd's key initiatives.
Prime minister of Ireland receives polio award |
Direct Foundation questions to new Contact Center |
Lee is choice for 2008-09 RI president![]()
Dong Kurn Lee is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International in 2008-09.
2007 RI Convention in Salt Lake City, 17-20 June![]()
Join family, friends, and Rotarians from around the world at Rotary's largest annual get-together!
RI launches new electronic publication
See another side of Rotary in a new electronic publication, Rotary International Interactive.
RCEN Member Named to RI Board![]()
Our very own Barry Rassin was recently named to the Board of Directors of Rotary International!
Young blood |
Following is the press release published last week on the occasion of Sol Kerzner being made a Paul Harris Fellow by East Nassau.
Right or wrong? |
Know what to look for when recruiting new club members |
Rotary clubs are first responders in Lebanon crisis |
Tropical Storm CHRIS threatens 7020 Countries![]()
In our District 7020, Tropical Storm CHRIS threatens
St-Barts, St-Martin, Anguilla, B.V.I., USVI, Turks & Caicos, Haiti north and the Bahamas
Foundation's fiscal health is top-rated by leading U.S. evaluator![]()
Charity Navigator, a leading evaluator of public charities, has awarded The Rotary Foundation its top rating of four stars.
Fox Hill Run |
Foundation goals can provide the power to Lead the Way |
Kofi Annan's special adviser praises Rotary's grassroots efforts![]() Rotary is an outstanding example of ordinary people changing the world through citizen action, says renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs in an article published in Asian newspapers in the last week of June. |
The 'plus' in PolioPlus![]() Two billion children immunized. Five million spared disability. More than a million deaths averted. Rotary's flagship program is adding up to big gains in the battle against infectious diseases. |
UN agency honors RI for polio work![]()
For Rotary International's role in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and helping give more than 2 billion children a life free from polio, the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations' anti-hunger agency, honored Rotary with the WPF Award for Exemplary Humanitarian Leadership.
2007 RI Convention in Salt Lake City, 17-20 June![]()
Join family, friends, and Rotarians from around the world at Rotary's largest annual get-together!
President Boyd encourages Rotarians to Lead the Way![]() New RI President William B. Boyd is encouraging Rotarians to Lead the Way in the 2006-07 Rotary year, calling his choice for the RI theme "an affirmation of my belief in the power of Rotarians to change the world, one positive act at a time." |
The foundation of Rotary stands firm in earthquake's aftermath![]() With more than 6,000 people killed and 30,000 injured by Saturday's 5.9-magnitude earthquake on Indonesia's Java island, relief is in great need. Rotarians are busy providing grassroots aid for hungry villagers, who news outlets are reporting to be pleading for food. |
Donate to help earthquake survivors![]()
The 5.9-magnitude earthquake that struck Central Java on 27 May left an estimated 6,000 people dead, up to 57,000 injured, and thousands homeless. In its aftermath, disrupted distribution systems in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas hindered relief efforts. While many Rotary clubs and districts have responded to the disaster by donating necessary supplies, more assistance is needed. To address this need, District 3400 (Indonesia) has established a disaster relief fund to assist those affected. |
Mia Farrow pays tribute to Rotarians![]() By Kelly Nolan 22 May 2006 |
Rotarians encouraged to delete scam e-mailsAs the Internet continues to grow, unfortunately so do e-mail scams and other forms of Internet fraud targeting Rotarians or abusing Rotary information. |
One million strong![]() The Rotary Foundation expects the number of Paul Harris Fellows to reach one million by the end of June. |
'Club' fundraising |
Mel Gibson gives Rotary $1 million for Mexico disaster recovery![]() After seeing the devastation left by last year's hurricane Stan while shooting his latest movie in Mexico, International Film Star Mel Gibson agrees to help by donating $1 Million to the relief effort BUT only if he could do it through The Rotary Foundation. |
2007 Council on Legislation![]() Just a reminderThe deadline to submit legislation to the 2007 Council on Legislation is 30 June 2006. Any proposals received after this deadline will not be heard at the council, so Rotarians should submit proposals as soon as possible. The Council on Legislation, Rotary's parliament, meets every three years to deliberate and act on all proposed enactments and resolutions submitted by clubs, district conferences, the General Council, the Conference of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland, and the RI Board. The council, composed of more than 500 representatives from every part of the Rotary world, also offers proposals. The next Council on Legislation is scheduled for 22-28 April 2007 in Chicago. |
Think you're the best?![]()
According to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, there are more than 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States. With so many other service-oriented organizations out there, it's easy to understand how Rotary is sometimes overlooked. But increasing Rotary awareness isn't as hard as you might think.
Help The Rotary Foundation While You Shop!![]() By using the site, |
Project Read Recognition![]() Past RI President, Richard King, keynote speaker at a recent Project Read Awards banquet honoring several East Nassau Rotarians. |
Water: Our Looming Crisis![]() How Rotarians are Rising to the Challenge of Our looming Water Crisis
RCEN & Bahamas Scout Association |
President-elect urges Rotarians to Lead the Way![]() Rotary International's incoming president, William B. Boyd, has chosen Lead the Way as the theme for the 2006-07 Rotary year. |
Past RI President Huntley dies![]()
Past RI President Bill Huntley, of Sutton-on-Sea, England, died on 20 February. In addition to serving Rotary International as president in 1994-95, he served the organization as district governor, International Assembly discussion leader, committee member and chair, Rotary information counselor, Foundation trustee and trustee chair, director, and vice president.
Rotary Clubs of The Bahamas to Host Gov. Jeb Bush![]()
The Rotary Clubs of The Bahamas and the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce will host a luncheon for Florida Governor, Jeb Bush on January 20th, 2006.
You're invited! |
Every Rotarian Every Year![]() |
About The Rotary Foundation![]()
A quick summary of what our foundation is, how it came to be and how and why you should support it.
What is Rotary? |
District Governor Tom Coming to Town!![]() DG Tom is coming back as promised to visit the Bahamas clubs and present his and RI's message on Wednesday February 8th, 2006, 6pm at the British Colonial Hilton. |
Welcome to our new website!We are all excited to see how ClubRunner will revolutionize the way we manage our day to day club activities, as well as communicate more effectively. |
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