East Nassau Sponsored Interact Clubs

Interact is Rotary’s service club for youth ages 12-18. Interact clubs can be community-based or school-based. Individual Rotary clubs sponsor Interact clubs and provide them with support and guidance, but each Interact club is self-governing and self-supporting.
The goals of Interact include developing leadership skills and personal integrity, demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others, understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work, and advancing international understanding and goodwill.
East Nassau currently sponsors two Interact clubs;

Know a school that needs an Interact Club?
Want to get involved with your Interact Clubs?
Need more information?
Want to get involved with your Interact Clubs?
Need more information?
Contact: Rtn. Kimiko Knowles
New Generations (Partners in Service) Director
T. 242.437.6645
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Download the website sponsorship guide